Monday, July 16, 2007

My Head is Spinning

This experience is so dense and rich; we have covered so much territory already that my head really is spinning. But.... it is very exciting to be diving into so many new things. Given my lagging technological skills the Arcview lesson last week was really a challenge, and not very successful for me. One trial learning at high speed in new territory just didn't take me very far. I will need a great deal of practice to make headway with this.

Today, even though we never left campus, I feel like I made a deeper, more personal connection to the BHW as we made our way through developing our group research project. We'll be looking into a likely vernal pool on the site. These are fascinating little ecosystems in and of themselves, and I look forward to getting into this. It seems like exploring a new little world. I am eager to see who lives thers, how they survive and interconnect and how they are doing. Since there has been so little work done on the possible vernal pools on this piece of land, I hope whatever we find we be of use to others, but more importantly, that it might be of use or importance in protecting sites like this.

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