Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cool grey day in the woods

The mosquitoes in BHW are very well fed tonight. To this I can attest, as I provided, along with the rest of my group, a feast for them. Nonetheless, it was another day of discovery. The first of the pools had shrunk a great deal since yesterday; 4cm to be exact, but was still teeming with life. We found a toebiter in the other half of the vernal pool, although it seemd to be ailing. Logical or not, they remind me strongly of Golum. Maybe the color.... Green frogs in every stage of development were abundant in both pools and the tadpoles were big and seemed quite healthy, despite the apparently high water temp. of yesterday. This is exciting in terms of both pool health and helping us figure out what kind of pool we have here. Revisiting the beaver pond with new insights into the world of the beaver was interesting too. A visit from 3 Great Blue Herons coming to feed added a special note tothe experience for me, as I miss watching the herons in my old marsh.


Lara said...

Your work in the vernal pool sounds fascinating. Do you have any photographs to include?

That was a magical moment when we witnessed the 3 great blue herons at the beaver pond!

Mtn Girl said...

Although you didn't mention your faciliation in your blog specifically, I have to say I really enjoyed your activity. The beaver pond provided for a great relaxation site. I tend to keep much of my anxiety all balled up within and that then makes it hard for me to take in all my surroundings. A simple breath allows so much of the world to open up. The herons just added so much more to the experience...did you have that planned :).